Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is an effective treatment that helps restore patient circulation, improve range of motion, reduce muscle stiffness and speed the healing process. The restorative, relaxing effects of massage therapy can benefit patients experiencing a variety of painful conditions and injuries, from whiplash to depression. Receiving massage therapy in combination with spinal adjustments and other techniques can help improve the overall health of the patient, and can prevent future injuries. At Alba Spinal Health Centre, we offer several different massage therapies to soothe patients in their mind, body and spirit. We will recommend the type massage needed.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage specifically targets knots in the muscles. This technique is effective for releasing muscle tension which patients may experience as a result of stress or injury. Deep tissue massage focuses on treatment of the deepest layers of muscle tissue, tendons and fascia, to help patients overcome conditions like high blood pressure, stress and anxiety and pain from arthritis.

Sports Massage

Sports massage is primarily preventative. This type of treatment is frequently administered to athletes before competitions, during playing seasons and after competitive events. Sports massage is effective for enhancing flexibility and is therefore used in pre-event preparation. This type of massage can also improve endurance and reduce recovery time after an injury occurs.

Athletes training to reach maximum performance often seek sports massage whether they’re injured or not, and in fact, this type of massage is used on professional athletes as well as non-professional competitors.

Massage therapy is helpful for patients young and old. At Alba Spinal Health Centre, we administer massage therapy to our patients to improve their comfort and quality of life. To find out what type of massage is right for your needs, make an appointment with us today.

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Opening Hours

  • Monday: 07:30am - 7:30pm
  • Tuesday: 07:30am - 7:30pm
  • Wednesday: 07:30am - 7:30pm
  • Thursday: 07:30am - 7:30pm
  • Friday: 07:30am - 7:30pm
  • Saturday: 09:00am - 12:00pm
  • Sunday: CLOSED